Friday, November 5, 2010

CoOp's Aid to Natural Hepatitis C Recovery can also heal America

CoOp's Aid to Natural Hepatitis C Recovery can also heal America

Posted by Hepatitis C, CURED in Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX on Sep 19, 2009

The CoOperative Markets are the last bastion of hope for freedom in America.

Have you ever heard the 3 word expression; "We the People?"
Hello, I am Johnny Delirious the author of Hepatitis C, CURED and like you, we all have been concerned about course of events that have taken place in our country for the last 10 years. Yes, good ole U.S.A. has had some tough challenges; 9/11, the economic meltdowns, the real estate and housing crisis etc. Like you, the ecconomic situation for me has been dire - nobody has bailed me out and maybe you might relate to my concern.

The last few lectures I have given on Liver Health have been in CoOperative markets. On May 23rd, I gave my talk to Rainbow Whole Foods in Jackson, Mississippi.


On May 30th Ever'mans Natural Foods in Pensacola, Florida
Hepatitis C, CURED
invited me to their seminar room for a full morning event that I presented about Liver Health. On September 14th I gave a lecture in the evening in the dinning room of the New Leaf Market in Tallahassee, Florida.
Hepatitis C, CURED
All of the talks were a success because the attendees wanted me back again and all three locations are planning for my return.

Besides my emphasis on diet and liver health there were some other issues I brought up in my lectures that my audience may have missed and that is "The CoOp Advantage." Having volunteered at CoOps like Rainbow and Ever'mans I know first hand about the role and advantages these CoOperatives played in my recovery fromHepatitis C. Without exageration those advantages were huge! Whenever I wanted to get a better price on a quantity order of goods I could order in bulk at a discounted price, because in many CoOperatives members are the owners and the business is governed by a board. Also, whenever I wanted to get research on certain foods or products, I could find the right informational sources in the CoOp's library. Most importantly the local farmer or local supplier of CoOp products could have a wholesale market for their goods.

Whenever I was feeling discouraged about my healing progress, I always had a willing ear in the CoOp and likewise I could help my fellows in turn with their needs in the CoOperative Community. Even though, I give God the credit for showing me the natural way to my recovery, I furthermore see the CoOps as God's extension; always there to give me a boost and never let me down while pursuing that natural recovery path. Been there and done that! I know first hand, truly that the CoOps were the turning point for my healing success in getting rid of my HCV load and strectching that concept just a little futher CoOps are quite possibly the healing mechanism for good ole U.S.A.

Most of the business models in this country are obsolete for the independant entrepreneur. As a small business owner by the time you pay over head and meet inventory demands, profits are siphoned off most likely by low sales volume due to the marketing power of the larger conglomerates. Did I say Walmart? No, but you were thinking about it right? We all know that is not the only one. Please click on the above links and read about the CoOps, you just might be surprised at what you are missing.

CoOps are the answer for the future healing of small business, just like it was for my healing from Hepatitis C. This way the grass roots back bone of America can return and it just might center around the supplying and commerce of your local CoOp. Everyone wins because most of the turning point decisions are made locally, therefore local patrons directly benefit; the community grows from getting the economic and health advantage. Look in and around your local area and see if there is a CoOp near you. Living out in a rural part of Texas I do not have a food CoOperative, but I do participate in the water CoOp. It is better than city water! and guess what its cheaper too.

I will always help CoOperative every where and whenever I can, I salute you!


Johnny Delirious

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